On Saturday, March 23rd the Native Plant Society will hold their 24th Native Plant Day at Bill Sadowski Park, 17555 SW 79 Avenue, Palmetto Bay, FL 33157. There is no entrance charge and parking is free.
We (NABA Miami Blue Chapter) will have displays and activities at our table and invite members to help assemble the materials and interact with the public. Contact Linda Evans (Lmemia@aol.com) or Jaeson Clayborn (jclay010@fiu.edu) if you would like to volunteer.
As always, Native Plant Day will have programs, walks, children’s activities, raffles and book
sales in addition to displays by groups (various organizations) as well as a large sale area of
native plants. This event is a low-key “hands-on” event designed to promote the native plants and creatures of South Florida to the public. Drinks and food will be available for purchase—cash only (no credit cards).