Coral Gables Experimental Pollinator Site

Miami Blue Chapter of North American Butterfly Association (NABA) has been collaborating with the City of Coral Gables at an experimental pollinator site, a green lot on Bird Road and Toledo Street.
Over a nearly 2 year period, where a portion of the lot has remained unmowed, naturalists have documented 106 species at the site! These include many native species of pollinators like bees and butterflies, plus dragonflies, wasps, spiders, and birds.
In addition to this brief discussion you will note that here is an accompanying butterfly checklist showing recent sightings at the location, which will be updated from time-to-time. You will note that currently the creation of a pollinator friendly environment at this location simply consists of the cessation of routine mowing; we plan to do more.
We believe that not only is this the beginning of a “beautiful relationship” among the City, our Chapter and pollinators, but that this site will offer educational opportunities for children and adults. In the future, if there is sufficient interest, we hope to conduct butterfly walks at the site. We welcome your input in this regard, and we hope you will encourage the City to continue to support this effort.
The beginning of a prescribed cutting experiment to evaluate the effects on pollinators.
For further information in this regard, please feel free to contact Chapter President Dennis Olle at
Butterflies Checklist
___ Large Orange Sulphur
___ Statira Suphur
___ Barred Yellow
___ Little Yellow
___ Dainty Sulphur
___ Mallow Scrub-Hairstreak
___ Cassius Blue
___ Ceraunus Blue
___ Gulf Fritillary
___ Zebra Heliconian
___ Phaeon Crescent
___ Horace’s Duskeywing
___ Tropical Checkered-Skipper
___ Southern Skipperling
___ Fiery Skipper
___ Baracoa Skipper
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