Jaeson Clayborn

Our guest speaker in February will be Dr. Jaeson Clayborn, whose presentation is “Each one, teach one: butterfly gardens of new beginnings – tips, tricks!” Join us for an immersive experience as we dive into the world of non-traditional butterfly-attracting plants and discover where to find them. Guided by the wisdom of the African proverb, “Each one, teach one,” the NABA Miami Blue Chapter community invites you to an interactive presentation that not only imparts knowledge but also empowers you to enhance your community.

What to expect:
  • We’ll highlight the potential of non-traditional plants that are perfect for attracting butterflies to your garden;
  • Embracing the “Each One, Teach One” philosophy, we’ll foster a sense of community as our experts demonstrate how to sow seeds and propagate plant cuttings effectively; and
  • As part of our commitment to community enrichment, we’ll provide you with all the essential tools to get started: soil, seeds, pots, and plant cuttings to kickstart your butterfly garden project.

We’ll show you that building a butterfly garden doesn’t have to break the bank. Discover cost-effective ways to construct a beautiful butterfly garden that you can be proud of. Don’t miss this opportunity to sow the seeds of change and watch your garden come to life with the colors of butterflies.

Dr. Jaeson Clayborn is an Assistant Professor of Biology at Miami Dade College Padrón Campus. Education and research in conservation and sustainability are his passions. He is a true advocate for community engagement in butterfly gardening and wildlife conservation. He actively involves local communities through service-learning and inquiry-based nature activities, fostering a sense of responsibility and stewardship for the environment. In today’s world, he believes that experiential learning and the narratives we weave about different species are of paramount importance. How we connect with and perceive these species will profoundly impact their survival in the present and future. Through his engaging approach, he seeks to kindle a deep sense of connection and appreciation for the natural world. To explore Dr. Clayborn’s projects and delve deeper into his work, please visit his website: jaesonclayborn.com.