National Pollinator Week June 20-26, 2021

Morristown, NJ – The North American Butterfly Association (NABA) announces its participation in National Pollinator Week June 20-26, 2021. “Butterflies pollinate plant life on managed lands like parks and gardens, but also seed crops like kale, sage and cilantro,” said Dr. Jeff Glassberg, NABA founder and president. “And they play an essential role in the environment as early indicators of ecosystem health,”

NABA is pleased to participate in Pollinator Week, designated by the US Congress 14 years ago. This designation marked a necessary step toward addressing the urgent issue of declining pollinator populations. Pollinator Week is an international celebration as people in organizations like NABA promote pollinator health with garden tours, farm walks, and educational events promoting important ecosystem services provided by bees, birds, bats, beetles and butterflies.

NABA’s member chapters actively work in a multi-level approach: to halt and reverse the decline of butterflies, to conserve and protect the habitats upon which they depend, to include citizen science in monitoring programs, as well as in education, grassroots conservation and habitat restoration efforts. For more about joining NABA or supporting the 100-acre National Butterfly Center

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